Liar raw/cbi employees do not pay expenses, yet fake online income

Liar top tech and internet companies falsely claim that sindhi school dropouts, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend money purchasing hardware, paying for internet connection without which it is not possible to work online
Government agencies, CHEATER LIAR top indian tech,internet companies are fully aware their favorite fraud indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena, like greedy gurugram haryana dishonest mba ruchika kinger, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro,+ greedy gujju fraud stock trader asmita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrkar, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil and other greedy fraud raw/cbi employees do not pay the domain renewal, webhosting, internet , hardware and other expenses like their powerful fraud boyfriends, relatives working in indian government agencies.

CHEATER LIAR top indian tech,internet companies, government agencies are openly involved in criminal defamation, online, financial fraud,slavery of a single woman engineer, domain investor, and migrant from north karnataka, since 2010, the government agencies are allowing their lazy liar cheater employees to rob the data of the single engineer, make fake claims which the incompetent government agencies blindly believe to waste tax payer money paying their fraud liar employees monthly government salaries.
Additionally the government agencies are also duping people, companies and countries with fake stories about their lazy greedy cheater employees especially the extremely SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who do not have any online income and do not pay expenses when the employees are only greedy shameless cheater housewives and frauds who refuse to purchase domains, hardware required though they shamelessly and falsely claim to own them and get monthly government salaries for making fake claims

NTRO, R&AW, cbi cheating single woman domain investor of Rs 15 lakh or more annually with their computer work, domain fraud

When citizens are not able to access their bank savings, they protest loudly about the financial fraud, and it is covered extensively in the mainstream media.
However when a single woman domain investor is protesting that she is being cheated of Rs 15 or more annually because of the indian and state government FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on her, the officials are criminally defaming her as mentally unsound and making fake claims about raw/cbi employees who do no computer work at all.
Allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, NTRO, R&AW, cbi cheating single woman domain investor of Rs 15 lakh or more annually with their computer work, domain fraud since 2010.
The single woman domain investor is paying Rs 4-5 lakh annually for and controlling domains including this one, yet the ntro employees falsely claim that their associate like call girl sunaina chodan, asmita patel and robber riddhi nayak caro, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains and get Rs 5 lakh or more monthly salary without doing any kind of computer work at the expense of the real domain investor, who is not getting anything.
Similarly the raw/cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil are not doing any computer, writing work, yet they are getting Rs 5 lakh only for making FAKE CLAIMS of writing work, bank account ownership at the expense of the real writer
So due to extremely greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies the single woman domain investor is directly losing Rs 15 lakh annually for the last ten years in addition to the losses caused by the extortion racket run by the shameless greedy goan raw/cbi employees housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan.

NTRO continues to make up fake stories that their pet goan bhandari call girl sunaina, without a computer, does computer work

Indicating the lack of professionalism and honesty in ntro, for ten years, NTRO continues to make up fake stories that their pet goan bhandari call girl sunaina, without a computer at home, does computer work at home, to get sunaina great powers, and a monthly raw salary
In a clear case of trading sex for power masterminded by google, tata , the ntro employees are enjoying free sex with sunaina, and then making up fake stories of computer work, while criminally defaming the single woman engineer doing the computer work as idle and lazy.
NTRO goa falsely claim that the pet panaji call girl, sunaina who is actually a sex expert, is an online expert, managing a large number of websites which are controlled by a single woman domain investor. NTRO/raw offices in Mumbai, hyderabad have noticed that raw/ntro in goa, is making FAKE claims that sunaina chodan, with no online experience is controlling the websites carrying her sex news, yet the goa government continues to make up fake stories
Even the fraud reddit user hypatianism who defamed the domain investor, noted that goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, did not control paid domains, with her news, yet the SHAMELESS goan government continues to make fake claims about sunaina chodan, and other frauds like riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, naina chandan, and her lazy fraud sons, greedy gujju brothers raw/cbi employees karan, nikhil

Women who are part of NTRO’s pleasure squad get cbi jobs for their sons also

The international media carries the negative news of north korea, the pleasure squad of their top leaders, yet in reality the indian government is even worse, falsely claiming that sex service providers who form NTRO’s pleasure squad are experienced engineers from the best colleges, while north korea is at least honest they are recruited only to serve top officials

Unlike north korea, indian government wastes crores of rupees of taxpayer money to dupe people, companies and countries that their top SEX SERVICE providers, sugar babies are experienced engineers from top engineering colleges while criminally defaming the engineer, domain investor who actually has studied engineering and worked as an engineer

Indian government unleashes its propaganda machinery to promote goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, karan, nikhil the lazy greedy fraud sons of India’s top SEX service provider school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan falsely claiming that they are online experts, domain investors, when they are only the sons of india’s most highly rated gujju sex service provider school dropout naina chandan

Bribed by google,tata indian government violates all international laws of equality for more than 9 years

In one of the worst cases of discrimination, violation of international law, bribed by google,tata indian government violates all international laws of equality for 9 years.
Google, tata bribed security and intelligence employees to violate international law, right to equality to put harmless indian paypal account holders under surveillance for more than 9 years since 2010, and encouraged NTRO employees to abuse their powers and falsely claim that their lazy greedy relatives, friends who were not spending any time online, any money on computers at all, owned the paypal account of the real paypal account holder.
The paypal account holders had no rights, ntro employees were allowed to run amok and make completely fake claims about the bank paypal account

On the other hand, the google, tata sponsored lazy fraud relatives and friends of the ntro employees had greater rights than all other indian citizens they did not have to spend any money on computers, internet connection, domains, hosting, online expenses, just because they were related to ntro employees, their friends and relatives, they could falsely claim to own any bank, paypal account, domains to get raw/cbi jobs with monthly salaries.

Bribed by google tata, the indian government and agencies also started duping all countries worldwide that their lazy fraud employees who were not spending any time and money online, were not selling any services or products to customers outside india, were doing the computer work to give the lazy fraud raw/cbi employees a monthly salary at the expense of the person who is actually doing the work.

Now countries outside India are asking the government why it is refusing to acknowledge the real exporter who is actually providing services or selling products denying her the right to equality, why is the government falsely claiming that well connected lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees, their lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan who are not spending any time and money, are providing services to customers outside india,

Jamal Khashoggi killing shows that top goan, karnataka, MP government officials are LIARS

Worldwide words are not enough, most governments are able to provide evidence to support their claims, especially for financial and legal matters. However in Goa, an experienced engineer has been viciously defamed since 2010, allegedly by top intelligence and security agency officials, wasting taxpayer money, to ruin the reputation of the engineer, so that their identity theft on the engineer can be justified .

These officials think that the defamation will affect the engineer, and she will be willing to take up a job at a very low salary, so that they can make huge profits. However experienced engineers rely on evidence before taking any decisions, and when corrupt powerful top officials like hathwar, kodancha, nayak, mandrekar, caro, pritesh chodankar, naik, are making fake claims for more than 8 years, without any evidence at all, it only proves that these officials are lacking integrity and honesty. Though these officials are powerful, the engineer will never respect them because she is aware of the fact that the lies of these officials are not legally valid.

The Jamal Khashoggi killing again proves that the government of a country may make fake verbal claims, or change its statement at a later date, however the evidence remains the same, because it is the truth and the evidence is universally accepted. Initially saudi killers claimed that Khashoggi had walked out , later they agreed that he was killed

So clearly the top goan, karnataka, Madhya Pradesh MP government officials are like saudi killers lack integrity and honesty when they falsely claim that google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree have the resume, investment of an experienced single woman engineer, domain investor, since they cannot provide any evidence. They are making fake claims repeatedly to justify the wastage of taxpayer money on these frauds.

This fraud started in 2010, and till date no evidence has been provided, yet all these frauds are being paid a monthly indian government salary.

How to choose a credit card processing company

Most online shoppers prefer to pay for their purchases online using a credit card. So a business can greatly improve their online sales by allowing their customers to pay for the product or service using their credit card. However, there are a large number of companies offering credit card processing for businesses , so merchants find it difficult to decide which is the most suitable credit card processor for their business. Hence it is advisable to check reviews of the various credit card processing companies at , before taking a decision.

One of the main factors to be considered while selecting a credit card company are the fees which will be charged. While most processors are charging a fixed monthly fee, it is more important to check the fee per transaction especially if there are likely to be more online sales. A few credit card processors may not charge a monthly fee, however they usually have a higher fee for each transaction. It is also important to check the charge-back fee, especially if the fraud levels are high for the product or service being sold. The interchange fees of the bank should also be considered. Most of the companies will take a day or 48 hours to review the application and set up the account to prevent fraud.

While credit cards are the preferred payment option, increasingly online wallets, and international payment options are also becoming popular. So having additional payment options could increase the conversion rate for the website. Many credit card processors have a user friendly interface which sometimes stores the credit card information, so that all the credit card data will not have to entered repeatedly. It is also important to check the fraud protection measures implemented by the service provider, since online fraud levels remain high. Credit card processors offering subscription or recurring payment option to the customers are usually preferred by businesses selling services.

So based on the customer profile, type of product or services sold, and the estimated sales, a suitable credit card processor should be selected.

Single woman engineers fights Visa credit card fraud of indian government agencies

The indian government, R&AW is not respected worldwide because it is brazenly involved in financial frauds on harmless indian citizens falsely claiming that the sex worker, cheater housewives especially indore document robber housewife veena, they are employing who have no online experience or investment, are online experts, domain investors, experienced engineers having the resume, investment of a private citizen

\Google, tata are proving to be some of the greatest fraud tech companies in the world, when they falsely claim that the Google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, a shameless crook, owns the icici bank visa credit card, of a single woman bhandari engineer, whose documents the indore document robber has stolen, so that the indore fraud is gettting a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor, credit card holder. When indore document robber veena has never applied for the credit card, why is the indian government making fake claims

These fraud companies are also falsely claiming that slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc supplied by google, tata to ntro, raw, cbi employees for sex owns the SBI credit of the single woman bhandari engineer who is impersonated by as many as 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud employees including brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, naina, asmita patel siddhi mandrekar, ruchika, deepika and others who are faking a btech 1993 ee degree

It can be easily and legally proved that NTRO, google,tata, R&AW/cbi are involved in an icici bank, sbi visa credit card fraud because the R&AW/cbi employees have not applied for the credit card, do not physically possess the visa credit card and have never ever paid the credit card bill in their life, yet are shameless making fake claims to defame, cheat and exploit the real credit card holder. No one otherwise falsely claims to own the credit card of another citizen, why are 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees falsely claiming to do so to get a monthly salary

Income tax returns, bank details will legally prove that NTRO, R&AW, cbi, google, tata are involved in a major visa credit card fraud since 2010, an open challenge to the R&AW/cbi employees to file a case of defamation regarding legal ownership of the sbi, icici credit card of the google competitor, domain investor and single woman bhandari engineer,

Just because NTRO employees led by the brahmin fraud puneet are abusing their powers and are brazenly involved in a banking, credit card and financial fraud , why is the indian government blindly believing their lies, why are google, tata repeating the lies of section 420 fraud bribe taking ntro employees. This abuse of power fo, Visa credit card fraud proves that NTRO employees are worse than nigerian fraudsters

Banking, online fraud exposes poor governance in India

The government of a country is spending tax payer money on its employees and in any developed country, most of the employees will be using their own resume. However one of the reasons why india is one of the poorest countries in the world, is the extremely poor governance of the country, with a huge amount of indian tax payer money wasted on paying salaries to lazy fraud indian intelligence employees with fake resume, fake investment and fake online work.
The ownership of a bank account in India is clearly specified at the time of opening of the bank account, and some documents, photo are required to open the bank account. Other than the authorized signatory, no one is allowed to operate the bank account.
However in a major banking, financial fraud masterminded by google, tata since 2010, 10 google, tata sponsored lazy fraud R&AW/cbi employees falsely claiming to be online experts, domain investors are involved in major banking fraud falsely claim to own bank account of harmless google competitor, single woman engineer to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor with the help of section 420 fraud ntro employees.
Checking the banking records , income tax returns will easily expose the banking, financial, online fraud of ntro, raw, cbi employees, however due to poor governance, the indian government refuses to investigate financial online fraud which has continued since 2010, wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money