Government officials do not have to compensate for their mistake

One of the biggest problems faced by small business owners and professionals in India is that government officials, especially from intelligence agencies, who make a mistake in falsely accusing them do not have to compensate their victim in any way. If a small business owner or professional will make even a small mistake they often to pay a fine or face harassment for years which will result in loss of reputation, business losses.
However if a government official is extremely careless or arrogant or ignorant and makes completely false allegations against an innocent person, the person accused will often have to suffer for many years. The official will waste a huge amount of tax payer money to harass the person and the person will also suffer from great financial losses,. In India these fraud officials will also steal the retirement savings of the harmless innocent civilian without a court order to blackmail the innocent person.

Instead of being punished for their mistake these cruel fraud officials are allowed to waste more tax payer money to commit the most terrible human rights abuses on the harmless civilian. These cruel coward officials allegedly bribed by google,tata, paypal will repeatedly try to murder the civilian who have they have defamed using radiation weapons as on June 11, 2015 in panaji, goa as they want to steal her savings and resume for goan callgirls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, cheater shivalli brahmin bangalore housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar, veena, brahmin and other cheaters like riddhi, asmita patel, ruchika.

When the officials who are given great powers be held accountable for their mistakes?

Why are shopkeepers, professionals threatened

UCMJ Article 120

In an indication of the endless atrocities on a single woman obc engineer and the rot in indian society, she is put under surveillance for more than 5 years and every shop she will go to, the shopkeeper will be threatened to make false accusations against her of cheating. Men are specially targetted for harassment, forcing the shopkeeper to keep women or elderly people. Similarly any lawyer she will contact will be similarly threatened and forced not to help her.

Why is so much tax payer money wasted to threaten shopkeepers to defame an innocent harmless obc engineer and domain investor or lawyers not to help a harmless civilian. For lawyers and activist, tax payer money will be wasted to monitor all phone calls, smses, email for more than 5 years. The recipient of the email, sms, phone call will be threatened or told completely false malicious rumors by a government employee so that they do not help the harmless obc engineer. Why are government employees deployed to spread false rumors about the harmless obc engineer

Why should the shopkeeper or professional be threatened for dealing with a harmless civilian wasting tax payer money. how does the country benefiting from harassing small business owners for dealing with a harmless innocent civilian



Tax payer money wasted to harass OBc engineers in India

Though the constitution and media may say that casteism does not exist, it remains omnipresent, especially in the indian internet sector. OBC engineers who start their own business in India have to face an uphill task as powerful officials, mainly brahmin , jealous of them will waste infinite tax payer money to harass them for years without being questioned or held accountable . The wastage of tax payer money includes
1. surveillance for more than 5 years
2. theft of retirement savings
3. monitoring and diversion of phone calls, smses, emails
4. theft of other correspondence including postal mail
5. threatening and defaming the OBC business owner and all their associates
6. blocking payment, closing account
7. theft of resume for mediocre lazy cheater fraud friends and relatives of these officials
8. directed energy weapon attack and human rights abuses daily to cause great pain
9. V2k technology used to read their mind and send messages to torture them

What does the government or India get by harassing a harmless innocent OBC engineer, webmaster, domain investor and online exporter, reducing her revenue to a very great extent. The main beneficiaries of the atrocities on the OBC single woman engineer are the mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends of the brahmin officials like goan diploma holder call girl siddhi mandrekar, OBC call girl bsc sunaina, shivalli brahmin bangalore cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi, asmita patel, veena, ruchika who have got lucrative governmemt jobs stealing the resume of the OBC engineer and exporter . none of these mediocre fraud women would have got the governmemt job on the basis of their real experience, investment or qualification.

The cunning fraud brahmin officials are promoting the inexperienced lazy greedy cunning goan OBC call bsc sunaina who provides FREE SEX to them as experienced OBC investor, engineer, when she has not spent a single paisa online just to deny the real OBC engineer her due and humiliate, defame her.

Poor cybersecurity, fraud and nepotism in the indian internet sector

In the last week there have been media reports that hackers have defaced the government websites in andhra pradesh, telangana, odissa and gujarat. The poor cybersecurity can be directly related to the rampant corruption, nepotism, lack of professionalism in the indian internet sector.
Powerful officials in the internet sector are allowed to run amok and claim that their inexperienced lazy liar cheater girlfriends like goa’s notorious fraud cheater medical electronics diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bsc pass sunaina, bangalore’s cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar and other women, have twenty years experience and have managed a network of websites, to appoint them to very important jobs in the government internet sector at the expense of an experienced webmaster who has been brutally exploited, cheated and defamed. These women may have changed their names to evade being punished for their crime, which would end the career in any other sector, but still all the powerful men in the indian internet sector and internet companies are united in supporting these lazy liar cheater mediocre young women in the appointment to important government jobs in the internet sector,

In reality these lazy liar young women have never ever managed a single website, but are able to get fake references of experience because of their extremely powerful dishonest boyfriends and relatives, who cannot be held accountable ,though their claims promoting their mediocre girlfriends are blatantly false.Though the largest internet companies in india and the most powerful officials promote them, inexperienced lazy liar cheater young women do not become experienced overnight, just because the most powerful men in the indian internet sector are extremely infatuated with them and willing to break all rules to make them powerful.

Why do government officials not appoint their girlfriends on the basis of the real experience of these cheater lazy young women,openly say that all positions are reserved for the young women they are infatuated with, why falsely claim that these inexperienced lazy liar cheater women are very experienced, cheating the government, and also the woman whose experience has been misused? providing sexual favors to all the powerful men in the indian internet sector, does not make a greedy young cheater an experienced webmaster overnight though these men may give her fake references and protect her from the fraud, bangalore cybercrime refuses to take action against the greedy ungrateful cheater nayanshree hathwar despite providing all evidence of her fraud.

As the top officials in the indian internet sector cannot be held accountable for their obvious fraud promoting their mediocre girlfriends , but hackers all the world know that inexperienced lazy liar cheater girlfriends of powerful men are in charge of the internet sector in india, some of whom have used the casting couch to get appointed to top jobs, and are repeatedly hacking indian websites. Thus the corruption has resulted in the increasing number of government websites hacked, as hackers worldwide mock the inexperienced young greedy cheater fraud young women who have used fake references, casting couch, lies and nepotism, to get fraudulently appointed to important government jobs in india .

Power shortages in India

The real reason for power shortages in india is that experienced electrical engineers are treated very badly. Powerful officials, bribed by google and tata try to claim that the following women with NO EXPERIENCE are an experienced electrical engineer with twenty years experience to appoint them to important position in intelligence agencies,
1. cheater liar diploma holder expert in corporate espionage’
2. a cheater housewife from bangalore
3. lazy slim bsc pass
4. architect
5. stock broker
6. mba hr
No doctor will indulge in a similar fraud, why are powerful officials from top engineering colleges in India so dishonest in giving fake references to their lazy friends, and unwilling to accept that this is a big SCAM .

Fake references by jealous government officials

Lynn Pinker

One of the biggest problems faced by small business owners is when jealous government officials give fake references to their undeserving young girlfriends, so that these girlfriends get lucrative positions which they do not deserve in any way at all. Because these government officials are so powerful, everyone believes their complete lies, that the girlfriend has the experience of the business owner, when she does not have any work experience .
Thus the business owner is cheated by the powerful government official who is scamming both the government from whom he is drawing a salary and the hard working business owner.
There is also no redressal mechanism to stop this scam and exploitation of a business owner, who these young women then harass incessantly using the powers they should have never got.
More details of how the young slim sunaina and siddhi mandrekar got lucrative positions in government organizations with fake references check
It is believed that the tata group encourages this exploitation of business owners by these lazy cheating young women

When government officials misuse a business owners name

Probably the biggest problem faced by a business owner is when powerful government officials shameless misuse the business owners name behind her back, without even meeting her or interacting with her in any way. Because these government officials are in a position of great power, everyone believes them, especially foreign companies, as these officials are the Indian interface with the company.
In reality these government officials want to destroy the business and business owner mentally and financially. So by claiming to act on behalf of the business owner, these government officials will corner lucrative assignments and privileges from many companies, and instead of giving them to the business owner, they will give these privileges to their friends and relatives who is not connected to the business owner in any way. Thus the business owner is denied the assignment because of government officials who misuse her name behind her back.

Additionally many government officials have very bitter enemies due to their actions. When these government officials start misusing the business owners name, these enemies start attacking the business owner causing great financial loss, health problems and character assasination. The business owner who was careful not to tread on anyone’s toes or offend anyone, suddenly finds herself attacked for no fault of hers because of the misuse of her name.

So when government officials shamelessly misuse a business owners name, the business owner gets no benefit at all, instead suffers losses as privileges and assignments are stolen by government officials, and their enemies attack the business owner for no obvious reason.

Fake references by government officials and accidents

There are many accidents which take place due to technical failure and problems, and this can be closely linked to the current policy of certain powerful government officials of giving fake references and great powers to their incompetent lazy, inexperienced and greedy young girlfriends and relatives.

For example in Goa, a powerful government official who is jealous of his hardworking experienced engineer batchmate is so blinded by jealousy that he has given great powers to the batchmates lazy inexperienced Bsc pass young neighbour with no work experience, by misusing his experienced batchmates name. The Bsc pass neighbour is extremely arrogant and is not even on talking terms with the batchmate, so why are these government officials so shamelessly misusing the batchmates name?

By stealing lucrative assignments and powers from his experienced batchmate, and humiliating her, this powerful government official gets a lot of satisfaction and ego boost, but the biggest loser is the government, the nation and the tax payer, who has to pay the price for letting government officials amok with no controls, committing frauds on the government by passing off a BSc as an engineer.

Government policies and business growth

Government policies in most countries are formulated to help the businesses and GDP of the country grow.
But sometimes, the government policies have the opposite effect , they act as deterrent to business growth.
Some of the reasons why the government policies are harmful are:
The policies are poorly researched.
The persons formulating the policies have little experience or knowledge.
Nepotism , cronyism
Incompetent decision makers
Lack of foresight.

Wait and watch

When there is a lot of uncertainty in the environment, it is better to just wait and watch. If you think your efforts and money will be lost due to reasons beyond your control, spending your time studying alternative options can be more fruitful.
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