I Am Looking Forward to Moving to Sloane Residences

I know that when most people look for a place to live, the actual condo itself is the most important part. Of course, there has to be established businesses nearby to make it truly worthy, but that often takes a secondary role since trains and buses make anything easily accessible. For me, what is around the place I live is a lot more important than what the condo looks like. I like to go out a lot, and I do not want to travel a long way to have fun. That is why Sloane Residences is such a great choice for someone like me.

Don’t get me wrong, because the condos are amazing. I am actually thinking that once I move there, it may be the first condo where I stay home more often than usual. Continue reading

Leaving the Gift of a Clean Apartment to the Next Tenant

Mom always told me to do the tedious work first in any project. She said that after you get all the other stuff done, you will be too tired to get to the smaller details. I should have listened when I was moving out of my apartment. I packed everything and moved it box by box to the new place. I should have cleaned each room after it was empty, but I was being lazy about it. After I had the last piece of my stuff out, I called professional moving out cleaning for Singapore to come and clean out my old apartment.

I spent a couple of days cleaning the new place with my mother and sister’s help. Continue reading

My Daughter Loves to Learn

My daughter has always been serious about her school work. She has known from an early age that if she wants to have a good life, then she must do well in school. Some people may not agree with the approach my husband and I have taken, by rewarding her significantly for perfect grades, but it has done her well in her academic studies. When she came to me not long ago with some information about a local physics tuition, I was both surprised and curious. I knew that she was not having any problems in her coursework, but I also knew that something had brought this to her attention.

She told me that while she really liked her physics teacher at school, she just felt she was not getting enough from the course to be beneficial to her. I knew that my daughter would not make a statement like that if she truly did not believe it, so I asked her about the physics tuition that she had gotten information on. Continue reading

I Needed Outside Helpers to Help out While I Attended to My Health

I was sitting on a chair in my doctor’s office when he told me that I had cancer. After my initial shock, he explained to me that it was caught early, and he felt I would get through it just fine. However, I would need treatment, so he suggested that I get some outside help at home. He said that house cleaning in Singapore is easy to come by, and there are companies who will do my grocery shopping and deliver it to my apartment, too. He explained that I should get everything organized before my treats start, and to expect to need these types of services for a minimum of four weeks.

Friends and I have talked about cancer many times. The conversation usually starts out with a friend announcing that another one of their family members has it. Many of them have learned that it runs in their families. My immediate family has been pretty lucky and largely escaped it. I had always hoped that would mean that I would never get it either. I have always tried to lead a relatively healthy life. Continue reading

Living on My Own is Nice

I think just about anyone who looks at apartments today can appreciate the fact that apartment complexes today are definitely not the same apartments that our parents and grandparents rented when they were our age. I have seen pictures of some of the Brandon apartments that my parents lived at before buying the house that they have lived in for 20 years now, and it is actually funny and sad at the same time. It is funny because there were hardly any amenities for them, and that is the same reason it is sad. All I can say is thank goodness for progress!

My mom is the one who went with me on a couple of tours of different apartments in Brandon. Even though they told me I could keep my room at the house, I just felt more comfortable having my own apartment. Continue reading

Good Leadership Can Be Learned

I was amazed when I conducted an audit of my company. I did not like the reports that were coming in, and I especially didn’t like the random interactions I had with some of the lower level employees. I know that a lot of people think that the lower you get in an organization, the less importance that person has. I have never felt that way though, knowing that the lowest person on the totem pole still plays a very important role. After talking with some of them, I knew that I needed to look into a leadership coach program because I was just not pleased with what I was hearing.

The stories were not good, and I could understand why there was a lack of motivation in different areas. Continue reading

An Extra Layer of Roof Safety

There is a storage spot on the roof our building. No one is permitted up there without authorization unless it is someone from the maintenance department. There are just too many things that can go wrong since it is a six story building that we are talking about. Three of the sides have a high wall around the roof, but one side is open. I knew that I would have to get some kind of post and chain barrier to protect anyone who would be going up there.

It is just too easy to accidentally lose focus at times. If you lose focus while sitting at your desk, it is not a huge deal. Continue reading

I Gained Muscle and Confidence

I wanted to be stronger, but I had no idea how to do that other than hiring a personal trainer. I actually did some research into that, but I was not pleased with the prices I would have to pay. I know they deserve every penny, but I just did not have that kind of money. I looked online at a few different options that were still open to me, and that is how I found myself reading some Body Beast reviews. I had never heard of the program, but I was excited about it within the first couple of minutes of reading about it.

I really like that this is something I can do from the comfort of my own home, and it is just the one time charge for the program. Continue reading

Getting Better Clubs Has Improved My Golf Game

I like to golf. I worked on my short game for a long time and improved to at least make par at my favorite course. However, I really have trouble in the traps. I can’t seem to control a hit out of the sand bunkers even if I am in the best possible spot in the trap. There have been several occasions where I wanted to throw my clubs in the pond next to the bunker where I golf. This had me looking for the best sand wedge suited to my style of golfing.

I am not a duffer on the links, but I am certainly not a pro either. I just have real trouble in the sand, so I avoid it as much as possible. It makes me take conservative shots on holes with sand bunkers, and that has a negative result on my final score. Continue reading

A New Car for My Son

My son Jason is my pride and joy. My wife Elly and I love him very much. He has made me so proud over the years. As his father, I wanted Jason to have the best things in life. Elly and I worked hard for many years to provide his with all his needs and wants. He turned eighteen last week. I promised him that his mother and I would buy him a car after graduation. We purchased an Acura NSX 2015 for him.

Jason has accomplished many things in his life. He was in the gifted program at the age of three. He was always smarter than the other children in school. He was so smart that the teachers sometimes asked him for help. He always made honor roll in school. High school was no different. He was the big man on campus. Continue reading