I was sitting on a chair in my doctor’s office when he told me that I had cancer. After my initial shock, he explained to me that it was caught early, and he felt I would get through it just fine. However, I would need treatment, so he suggested that I get some outside help at home. He said that house cleaning in Singapore is easy to come by, and there are companies who will do my grocery shopping and deliver it to my apartment, too. He explained that I should get everything organized before my treats start, and to expect to need these types of services for a minimum of four weeks.
Friends and I have talked about cancer many times. The conversation usually starts out with a friend announcing that another one of their family members has it. Many of them have learned that it runs in their families. My immediate family has been pretty lucky and largely escaped it. I had always hoped that would mean that I would never get it either. I have always tried to lead a relatively healthy life. Continue reading