R&AW is not accountable to the indian parliament and they can get away with their many mistakes, corruption and nepotism unlike intelligence agencies in other countries like USA, UK who are accountable to their elected representatives and a large number of R&AW employees have fake resume, fake investment, fake work.
For example incompetent corrupt R&AW/CBI employees, allegedly bribed by google, tata , falsely accused india’s largest female domain investor of money laundering, completely disregarding the the fact that she had invested a huge amount online. After more than 6 years, the incompetent R&AW/CBI/NTRO officials are unable to find any legally valid evidence, however R&AW officials have destroyed the life, reputation and finances of the harmless domain investor, putting her under surveillance and broadcasting the details worldwide, denying her the right to privacy
Fraud NTRO/R&AW employees have stolen the impressive resume of India’s largest female domain investor, an experienced engineer for as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored goan call girls who have sex with these officials, cheater housewives and other fraud women who never answered JEE to get all these women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment and fake work.
The harmless experienced single woman engineer, domain investor is held a virtual prisoner with all her correspondence diverted and stolen by the fraud R&AW/CBI employees who run an extortion racket , her payment from online websites is being blocked repeatedly without a valid reason , account closed and she cannot end the denial of fundamental rights, though no proof has been found after 6 years .
R&AW employees are allowed to divert and steal correspondence of any citizen falsely claiming national security and many lazy fraud R&AW employees like goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak are daily stealing the correspondence of the obc single woman engineer whose btech 1993 ee degree these fraud brahmin women falsely claim to have,to run an extortion racket, because the sex partners,friends and relatives of these fraud R&AW/CBI employees are making fake allegations against the obc single woman engineer without any proof for more than 6 years.
It is well known among domain investors worldwide that R&AW/CBI/NTRO, indian government is involved on a major financial fraud on India’s largest female domain investor , with R&AW officials openly trading power for sex and money , and are falsely claiming that their relatives, goan call girl R&AW employees like siddhi who sleep with them and do not spend any money on domain names, are domain investors. Despite spending a huge amount of time and money on domain names alone , the indian government refuses to acknowledge india’s largest female domain investor, is holding her a virtual prisoner, and falsely claims that 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees have her impressive resume, investment, paypal account to deny her the income and opportunities she deserved, denying her the fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living.
Most other intelligence agencies like CIA will carry out a background check on their employees however in 2017, the indian government, R&AW are falsely claiming that mediocre fraud employees lke 2012 diploma holder siddhi, 2013 bsc sunaina, 2005 bbm nayanshree hathwar, and others who never never answered JEE, have a btech 1993 ee degree to misguide other countries, companies and people and destroy the life of the experienced woman engineer, domain investor who actually has a btech 1993 ee degree.
Instead of national interest, R&AW is sometimes openly working to increase the profit of google, tata and others, yet exploited indian citizens cannot question this corruption, abuse of power, waste of indian tax payer money.
So unlike other democracies, R&AW officials are allowed to waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to destroy the life of harmless innocent indian citizens for personal gain, hatred,steal their impressive resume for their lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored sex partners, relatives .The indian citizen whose life has been destroyed can do little to end the endless atrocities of the R&AW/NTRO/CBI officials who cannot be identified or held accountable and do not have the courage or honesty to face the innocent harmless person whose life they have destroyed.
Originally to be posted on Quora, blocked by NTRO