Powerful fraud NTRO, CBI employees make fake claims promoting SEX workers, frauds without any proof at all

Some charming powerful fraud NTRO, CBI officials have duped all the people for 7 years that goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds are online experts, domain investors and are worse than nigerian fraudsters as they are wasting indian tax payer money. For 7 years , some NTRO, CBI employees freelancing for google, tata have been making completely fake claims of online work, online investment without any proof at all , and shockingly no one has the courage and honesty to question these NTRO, CBI employees shamelessly goan promoting SEX workers as online experts.

When CBI, NTRO falsely claim that google, tata ‘s favorite R&AW employee sunaina, SEX worker is doing work online, why does no one check the financial records of sunaina, india’s VVIP SEX worker or her associates. If sunaina tata’s favorite goan sex worker(or any of the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees falsely claiming to be doing work online like nayanshree, indore housewife veena) was actually doing work online , the bank records of the VVIP goan sex worker would show proof of payment through Paypal.

However though the google,tata masterminded SEX, cheating fraud started in 2010, after wasting indian tax payer money for more than 7 years, none of the NTRO, R&AW, CBI, security agency employees are able to provide any proof that the google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees , lazy liars, are making a single paisa or penny online or investing money in domain names. For how long are indian citizens expected to tolerate the fraud of google, tata, ntro, cbi, R&AW employees

R&AW/Indian intelligence employees misuse the name of private citizens, small business owners

The arrest and sentencing of Kulbhushan Jadhav again highlights an extremely unfortunate tendency of the ntro, R&AW, indian intelligence agencies to misuse the name of harmless private citizens, who are not connected in any way with the indian intelligence and security agencies . While the truth in the Jadhav case is not fully known, there are many harmless private citizens, small business owners whose life has been destroyed because cunning fraud powerful ntro, intelligence and security agency employees shamelessly misused their name, though there is no connection at all.
For example india’s largest female domain investor is a harmless private citizen with no connection at all with the government agencies, yet for the last 7 years, since 2010, NTRO, R&AW, CBI, indian intelligence and security agency employees have been shamelessly misusing her name, falsely claiming to know her well, causing very great hardship to her, while she is not compensated in any way by the indian government for the misuse of her name.
The domain investor, paypal account holder has been viciously attacked by the Americans, Pakistanis and others because of the misuse of her name, fake claims of powerful ntro, raw employees who are involved in an impersonation fraud, while the real beneficiaries have remained untouched. No one would have bothered her, if ntro was honest that she was only a PRIVATE CITIZEN with no connection to any indian government agencies except income tax and dgft
It is time that R&AW, ntro, indian intelligence stop abusing their powers and making fake claims about the paypal account, domain names and websites, online businesses of harmless private indian citizens, misleading foreign intelligence agencies
It is the greatest example of the hypocrisy, fraud and dishonesty of indian intelligence agencies, ntro that they are doing everything possible to cause financial losses to the small business owner, domain investor ensuring that she does not make any money from any indian customer despite having so much experience, investing so much money , only the turkish are having some pity on the domain investor and placing ads on the website to help the domain investor make some money to cover expenses.
After doing so much to cause losses to domain investor and real online business owner, wasting a lot of indian tax payer money in the process, the indian government , ntro and cbi are falsely claiming that this website and the online business belongs to the google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who have no connection with the internet sector, except having sex with, being related to or friends with top ntro, indian internet sector officials. Why is the indian government not honest that goan R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi have been hired only for sex , why is the indian government continuing to dupe people, countries and companies that the sex workers are online business owners, defaming, exploiting and causing problems to the real small business owners who have to pay all the expenses.

NTRO employees defame, exploit and slander women domain investors in India

In a clear case of abuse of power by powerful ntro employees, these employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, parmar are shamelessly and ruthlessly exploiting, defaming, cheating women domain investors making fake claims about the online business, domain names and online work. They are putting the domain investor under surveillance and then falsely claiming that their lazy fraud girlfriends, sex partners and relatives are doing work online, to get all these lazy fraud women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
In reality none of these lazy fraud women are doing any work online or investing any money online, however ntro employees are shameless frauds and liars, repeating their lies like parrots for 7 years since 2010
These ntro, cbi, raw employees would never dare to commit a similar fraud on male indian domain investors, however they are allegedly bribed by google, tata to abuse their powers and mislead a large number of people, companies and other countries with their lies, exploiting the real domain investor.
Just because a woman is old and ugly, it does not mean that powerful ntro employees have the license to exploit, defame, cheat her.
If anyone knows how to make the ntro employees stop misleading other people, please revert

Government employee wanted as surety for missing KVP/NSC certificate

KVP/NSC of harmless innocent experienced single woman obc engineer missing, to get a duplicate copy of the KVP/NSC issued, looking for multiple government employees who are willing to stand as surety.
No investment of any kind is required, only a copy of the salary slip is required, and the government employee has to visit Bhandup West , Mumbai post office and sign the documents in the presence of the post master.
Can compensate for the time and effort of the government employee, good chance to make some quick money and also help an innocent woman retrieve her hard earned money, retirement savings for her old age.
Please send your contact details to info@textads.in for more information. Agents who can help are also welcome

Operation of R&AW

R&AW is not accountable to the indian parliament and they can get away with their many mistakes, corruption and nepotism unlike intelligence agencies in other countries like USA, UK who are accountable to their elected representatives and a large number of R&AW employees have fake resume, fake investment, fake work.
For example incompetent corrupt R&AW/CBI employees, allegedly bribed by google, tata , falsely accused india’s largest female domain investor of money laundering, completely disregarding the the fact that she had invested a huge amount online. After more than 6 years, the incompetent R&AW/CBI/NTRO officials are unable to find any legally valid evidence, however R&AW officials have destroyed the life, reputation and finances of the harmless domain investor, putting her under surveillance and broadcasting the details worldwide, denying her the right to privacy
Fraud NTRO/R&AW employees have stolen the impressive resume of India’s largest female domain investor, an experienced engineer for as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored goan call girls who have sex with these officials, cheater housewives and other fraud women who never answered JEE to get all these women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment and fake work.
The harmless experienced single woman engineer, domain investor is held a virtual prisoner with all her correspondence diverted and stolen by the fraud R&AW/CBI employees who run an extortion racket , her payment from online websites is being blocked repeatedly without a valid reason , account closed and she cannot end the denial of fundamental rights, though no proof has been found after 6 years .
R&AW employees are allowed to divert and steal correspondence of any citizen falsely claiming national security and many lazy fraud R&AW employees like goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak are daily stealing the correspondence of the obc single woman engineer whose btech 1993 ee degree these fraud brahmin women falsely claim to have,to run an extortion racket, because the sex partners,friends and relatives of these fraud R&AW/CBI employees are making fake allegations against the obc single woman engineer without any proof for more than 6 years.

It is well known among domain investors worldwide that R&AW/CBI/NTRO, indian government is involved on a major financial fraud on India’s largest female domain investor , with R&AW officials openly trading power for sex and money , and are falsely claiming that their relatives, goan call girl R&AW employees like siddhi who sleep with them and do not spend any money on domain names, are domain investors. Despite spending a huge amount of time and money on domain names alone , the indian government refuses to acknowledge india’s largest female domain investor, is holding her a virtual prisoner, and falsely claims that 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees have her impressive resume, investment, paypal account to deny her the income and opportunities she deserved, denying her the fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living.
Most other intelligence agencies like CIA will carry out a background check on their employees however in 2017, the indian government, R&AW are falsely claiming that mediocre fraud employees lke 2012 diploma holder siddhi, 2013 bsc sunaina, 2005 bbm nayanshree hathwar, and others who never never answered JEE, have a btech 1993 ee degree to misguide other countries, companies and people and destroy the life of the experienced woman engineer, domain investor who actually has a btech 1993 ee degree.

Instead of national interest, R&AW is sometimes openly working to increase the profit of google, tata and others, yet exploited indian citizens cannot question this corruption, abuse of power, waste of indian tax payer money.
So unlike other democracies, R&AW officials are allowed to waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to destroy the life of harmless innocent indian citizens for personal gain, hatred,steal their impressive resume for their lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored sex partners, relatives .The indian citizen whose life has been destroyed can do little to end the endless atrocities of the R&AW/NTRO/CBI officials who cannot be identified or held accountable and do not have the courage or honesty to face the innocent harmless person whose life they have destroyed.

Originally to be posted on Quora, blocked by NTRO

Like Pakistani landlords, NTRO, CBI, indian government officials steal Hindu women

The international media carried the news of how Pakistani Muslim landlords in Sindhi were stealing vulnerable hindu women like jeevti to keep them as slaves , however almost no organization is carrying the news of how NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence, security and other government officials are stealing and selling hindu women, high educated engineers,domain investors, keeping them as slaves and selling them to corporates like allegedly google, tata to increase the profit of these corporates.
Unlike the pakistani landlords, who physically confine their slaves, the harmless indian women are not physically confined, however the NTRO, CBI,indian government, google, tata officials are stealing everything that a woman can possess to keep her a slave like
– impressive resume including btech 1993 ee degree from a top college, academic record
– retirement savings of twenty years without a court order or legally valid reason
– memory using sophisticated equipment
– correspondence including emails, postal mail, phone calls, smses
– ownership of online business, paypal account , making fake claims
So though the domain investor is spending a large amount of money and time on managing the websites, ntro, cbi, R&AW, indian government officials are treating her as a slave refusing to acknowledge the time and money she is spending online, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored call girl, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/ indian intelligence employees , who do not do any work online or spend any money online, own the websites, domain names to pay all the 10 google, tata sponsored frauds a monthly indian government salary.
If there was no slavery or resume theft in India of women domain investors, the indian government would have honestly acknowledged the real domain investor and website owner instead of cbi, ntro, R&AW officials falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan call girls and other frauds own the website, domain names to dupe other countries, companies, domain buyers, advertisers, and ad networks

Currency chaos due to incompetence, corruption of indian government

The widespread currency chaos in India after demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes is due to the incompetence of the indian government as a large number of indian intelligence employees have fake resume, fake experience, fake work, fake investment and yet are given great powers and a salary by the indian government as reward for their fraud and dishonesty. For example, allegedly bribed by iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata top ntro, cbi security agency officials in India are falsely claiming that 10 goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds who never answered JEE, were their btech 1993 ee classmate and have the impressive resume, experience, investment of their classmate who they hate.
India is the only country in the world where the indian government, security agencies are extremely irrational and falsely claim that goan sex workers and other frauds are experienced engineers because they are having sex with, are related to or friends with, powerful government officials, they do not have to study engineering or work as engineers, having sex with and being married to powerful well connected men automatically makes these inexperienced lazy mediocre women, engineers for indian government records

Persecution of Indian domain investors by NTRO,CBI,security agency officials


Till October 2016, India has not nationalized domain registration or website development, officially anyone can register or renew any domain name they wish to without any restriction at all . Yet India is among the worst countries in the world for domain investors for domain registration, website development, far worse than communist China which does not falsely claim to be a democracy like India. There are many domain investors in China, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam, United States with hundreds or thousands of domain names which they have mainly registered for making a profit. Proof of these foreign domain investors having hundreds of domain names, can be easily provided

However only in India, which is a democracy in name only, the dishonest fraud irrational ntro, cbi, security agency officials, allegedly bribed by google, tata are falsely labelling harmless domain investors as a security threat without any proof at all, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the domain investors, so that the officials can enjoy lifetime FREE SEX, get lucrative R&AW, CBI, indian intelligence jobs for their SEX PARTNERS like slim goan obc bhandari sex expert sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc, who has sex with top CBI, NTRO and other officials, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, their lazy fraud relatives and friends.

Female domain investors in India are the worst affected by the atrocities of the cruel fraud criminal ntro, security agency officials who do not have the courage or honesty to defend their atrocities in an open debate, yet cannot be identified or held accountable as they harass the domain investor for more than 6 years. When will government organizations like NTRO stop behaving like FREELANCE RECRUITERS for large corporates like google, tata, wasting indian tax payer money so that these companies can acquire talent and technology cheaply and end their atrocities on harmless indian domain investors.

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Government officials shamelessly lie about their friends and relatives

Though government officials especially in goa know that their relatives and friends are not doing any work on the computer or online and are least interested in doing so in future also, senior intelligence and security agency offficials are shamelessly abusing their powers and making fake claims to get great powers, lucrative R&AW/CBI/intelligence agency jobs for their mediocre lazy fraud goan sex partners sunaina, siddhi , cheater housewives like riddhi, nayanshree and other frauds.

Income tax returns, financial records, social media postings will prove that these senior intelligence and security agency officials are making completely fake claims about their relatives and friends online work, yet the indian government blindly believes the lies of these fraud officials, refuses to take any action against them, in an indication of high levels of tolerance of corruption, nepotism and sleaze

The chief vigilance commissioner (CVC) is also ignoring all the complaints against these corrupt government officials, as harmless citizens find it difficult to get any kind of justice unlike the CCDI in China which took action against Wang Baoan

CBI, NTRO, intelligence and security agencies involved in a major financial fraud

Allegedly bribed by google,tata, cbi,ntro, intelligence and security agency officials are involved in a major financial fraud falsely claiming that 8-10 lazy greedy google,tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW, CBI, indian intelligence employees, who have never invested a single penny online are domain investors to get these frauds a monthly salary of more than $300 each, at the expense of the real domain investor who is not getting anything at all.

No domain registrar is offering the domain renewals for free, and the real domain investor has to spend more than $300 monthly to renew the domain names without any financial help from the indian government . None of the google/tata sponsored domain fraudsters are interested in paying the market price of the domain names,rely on their fraud powerful sex partners, lovers, boyfriends to make fake claims about the domain ownership to get all these frauds a monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a harmless single woman obc engineer.

now the lll.in and llll.com domains have been put for sale on a number of forums, yet none of these miserly google, tata sponsored frauds are interested in paying the market price of the domain names. Some of these frauds like the google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employees goan gsb fraud siddhi, slim jeans clad goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina who have sex with top indian government officials are leading a lavish lifestyle, purchasing expensive clothes, accessories, dining at expensive nightclubs, restaurants, pubs almost every day, yet are least interested in spending their money , a small amount of $400 on domain names (for government employees), instead relying on the sex bribe taking google,tata, ntro, cbi officials having SEX with them, to spread false rumors that these goan sex workers are domain investors at the expense of the real domain investor, a google competitor.